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Because everyone loves a farce

Friday, September 21   10:36 AM

Only my absence could've made it girlier

Still siiiiick. I blame a week of burning the candle at both ends, and my ridiculously unpredictable diet. Although Robitussin is awesome: why would anyone not take cough medicine when sick? If you know actual medical reasons, don't tell me, as I feel so much better now than I did four days ago.

Jenna and Jess in tow, I went and watched America's Next Top Model (henceforth, as always, ANTM) over at an acquaintance's house on Wednesday. As shameless as I find Tyra's whole "and what adversity entitles you to advertise skin lotion?" shtick, I'm nevertheless/obviously rooting for Heather With Asperger's Syndrome.

(I don't have too much sympathy for people on the shallow end of the autism spectrum — given the right psychologist, I'm sure some of my currently-fully-responsible-for-their-actions friends could be diagnosed with Asperger's — but as a geeky introvert, I do have considerable empathy.)

There was also that one girl who said she had something that "none of the other girls here have" and then added that she didn't know what that was. That was classic.

Mainly we just talked about how ugly most of the girls are this season. I guess that's "the look"? One in particular will doubtless go far as the token uggo.

Afterwards I had to sit through enough Gossip Girl to make me feel sick again.

Yesterday I foolishly tried to make plans, but luckily those fell through and I was able to spend a night at home recuperating, i.e. having beer and pizza while achievement-whoring it up on BioShock. I feel better, but not yet well.

Tonight will be busy again, but that doesn't matter if I can sleep in on Saturday.

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