Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Saturday, September 1   9:27 AM

With a Narrowed Eye for the Passerby

Drinks after work yesterday, at Sweeney's with Jenna and Jess. Good times. And I met up with some of the coworkers later at Rudolf's in Minneapolis. Birthplace of the really crappy $2 vodka gimlet.

But no more drinking while I'm waiting to drink. For one thing, spending so much of my night in bars only encourages my obvious and suspicious people-watching (which is either a latent writerly habit, or something I picked up from my grandma). Where did all my slyness get off to? It sounds fantastical, but I used to be able to observe a stranger without staring or narrowing my eyes.

Next time, I give you permission to snap your fingers and say "Dan, those people don't exist." Or ask if I've found the microfilm. Or something.

I really like the layout of Rudolf's though. The artist among us pointed out how each table is against a wall and how the lamps at the bar create the illusion of separate, private areas. That's what I want, an artist's eye. Environmental Observation +2.

At Sweeney's, plans were made. There's the obligatory cookout on Labor Day, of course, but I've also been thinking about Halloween. I have a house here, and a fire ring, and a surprising amount of experience throwing parties. And most importantly, I recognize how lame one of our best holidays has gotten. I'll have to talk this over with Matt, the person who actually has most of the things I mentioned.

The night ended fairly early, and I ended up on the couch downstairs, watching a heretofore unseen episode of Seinfeld: "The Handicap Spot." I really thought I'd seen every episode three times by now.

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