Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Saturday, August 25   12:51 PM

A good haircut, some bad decisions

I got to shave Jess' head yesterday; as someone who mutters "shave it off" at every possible opportunity, I naturally thought that was pretty awesome. There were a bunch of people there, and there are pictures somewhere.

I compared the new look to Tank Girl a few times, but I just looked at some pictures from the movie and it was a pretty unapt comparison. Jess' hair is short now, and a little spiky.

Afterwards we went to the Happy Gnome. I don't think I did anything embarrassing, but as usual I probably had one beer more than was optimal. I don't like my drinking personality lately: he's become a distortion when he should be an exaggeration. And he's stupid when he should be foolish.

To kill time before the main event, I went out to Gabe's with my coworkers, most of whom were there to draft their Fantasy Football teams. I don't like Gabe's because of their consistently bad service, so it was a bit of a surprise to be back there.

But it was an OK time. Pete and I even had a brief, impassioned discussion of cap-and-trade: just the sort of armchair legislating that libertarians like myself live for.

I'd planned to leave earlier, but it trickled down to Our Bold Hero, Pete, and one other guy. This guy was trying to give us advice, but his priorities and outlook were so different from mine that what I'm sure sounded like wisdom to him just sounded stupid to me, although I could recognize it as good advice within the appropriate conceptual framework. It was like being lectured on how to make the best raisin cookies.

He was a Bad Decision Dinosaur. I love Bad Decision Dinosaur, by the way: read the other comics. This guy has the same strange charisma that B.D.D. does.

Speaking of conceptual frameworks, I hate, hate it when people try to correct my pronunciation when I'm drinking. I have an entire blog laying out my views on prescriptivism, especially such petty, pointless picayunity, but after just a few drinks I lose the wherewithal to explain my grammatico-political stance.

It's very frustrating; that's probably why I'm being so hard on this guy. There was also a disagreement about a free bucket... which is too long of a story to go into here.

Graham is the exception: his corrections I can handle. He knows what I think and he's just being bullheaded. Probably I'd be OK with some of my other friends trying to call me out too, but they don't care about that stuff.

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