Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Friday, January 22   10:58 PM

Quick update

For all my grumbling, this month has passed extremely quickly. And it's warm out! By which I mean: it's occasionally been at or near freezing. Tomorrow is the big day, when maybe the solid inch of ice on my steps will have a chance to melt.

I did nothing tonight, wonderful nothing, and I've had a lot of days like that this week. I worked overtime this weekend, so I suppose this was my attempt to compensate for the missed downtime.

The only day of any note was Wednesday, when I went to Buffalo Wild Wings' trivia night with Rae and Noble Joshua. Our team won, albeit with minimal assistance from me.

(After Lawrence's contest, I'll always be a computer trivia guy — for us it's not about knowing stuff, it's about knowing how to find out what you don't know. In less than three minutes, preferably.)

Trivia was definitely a highlight, all the more so because I had a few setbacks these past few days.

Once again, despite hours of research on the IRS website — I ran through their withholding calculator at least twice! — I think I've messed up my taxes. We'll see how everything shakes out once I get my W-2, etc. but I started investigating this week for any early filing and it does look like I still owe the feds money. Bah.

I have to say, I preferred last year — can't I get thousands of dollars for buying a house again? That was pretty cool.

I also lost my ipod, or it was stolen, who knows. I thought I brought it home from work on Wednesday but there's only so many places something like that could be and I've already torn the place apart. It'll probably turn up, but in the meantime I almost went a little crazy on Thursday without 8 hours of podcasts to listen to.

So. I bought a new ipod. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it seems to get the job done. And since I had a few Best Buy gift certificates left and my old ipod hadn't been working so great lately, I don't feel too guilty.

And that's the end of me; I'm exhausted. Further updates later/soon.

You're selling yourself short--we got the Beck answer because of you.

Since you lost your ipod on Wednesday, I did a look-see around my car and didn't see it. I'll ask around BWW on Wednesday on the off-chance it got left there somehow.

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