Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Friday, January 1   11:24 AM

Catch up

I don't want to bore anyone with a tech troubleshooting story but suffice it to say that in the last week or so I finally figured out how to use my keyboard from the comfort of my couch. Apologies to anyone who isn't using an RSS reader like Netvibes to follow this site — I know sporadic blogs can be frustrating when you're checking them the old-fashioned way.

I'll probably be blogging more, not because it's a resolution but because I prettymuch couldn't before and I can now.

Anyways, I'm still doing website quality assurance at a large corporation, still working on the house whenever I get motivated, still watching movies and playing videogames and all that.

I lucked into a good New Year's Eve last night, despite my own laziness. I refuse to go to the bars on New Year's Eve, so I'd planned to stay in and have a quiet night, but Nick and Shelley were interested in the same sort of thing, and then Barry, Jenna and special guest Kevin decided to come too rather than go to Minneapolis like they'd originally planned. Good times.

It was prettymuch 90% King's Cup, but we were a good group for it. Oof, can't do that too often though.

On Wednesday I stayed up well past my bedtime to see off Nora and Ben, who stayed in my attic this week while they were in town for the Christmas, on Tuesday I went out to Sweeney's with my mom and my brother Josh, and on Monday I went over to Nick's to watch the night football game only to see it go into overtime.

I'm a little wiped from all of this excitement actually, but not nearly as exhausted as I'd expect to be. Really looking forward to trying to sleep in tomorrow. I plan on being totally dull all day.

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