Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Friday, December 29   2:15 PM

St. Paul Blog debuts

I finally wrote my first post for the St. Paul Blog at Hotels By City, which is paying me a large percentage of the Adsense clickthrough earnings.

That's nice, because I don't have to shill anything and can write whatever I think would be useful. Posts on Mickey's, Lee's and Dee's, and the MOA are in the works. St. Paul has really, really grown on me over the past few years, and in the past nine months especially.

It does really seem like every month of so, one of my more experienced friends will show me a really cool bar or restaurant, and this gives me even more incentive to explore. And hopefully a bit of spending money to cover those outings.

How much money I'll actually make is up for debate, though thankfully I learned my Adsense abuse lesson vicariously and so I know better than to ask my friends to abuse the system. Poor... Russell? I feel like I totally had a nickname for Russell, something better than "Another One of Those Freakin' Californians," but I guess I never used it.

Speaking of outings, I had a quite excellent low-key evening last night, hanging out with Graham and special guest Dylan. Graham made us a tasty free dinner — unlike Our Bold Hero, who can only follow recipes, the Blowhard has a chef's flair for improvisation — and we did nothing, basically.

Some videogame nights at Ben's notwithstanding — and those are prettymuch done for a long time — I feel like I'm either doing nothing on a given night, or doing something big. I need the little stuff, though: another reason to start going to Totally Scrabble Tuesday again, and to start finishing my work before 7 pm.

(And yes, our Ridiculous TV Night every Wednesday is kinda "big" for me, because I'm hosting and, well, drinking more than all you people who have to drive. Beauty and the Geek next Wednesday: be there. Oh, and I guess Top Chef is still on, but none of us has been paying attention to that at all.)

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