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Because everyone loves a farce

Saturday, December 9   3:57 PM

Our Bold Hero vs. The Case for Product Placement

Speaking of television, I read, and for some reason keep angrily re-reading, an exceptionally wrongheaded editorial in the London Free Press, proposing that given our newfound ability to fast-forward through commercials with ease, we should agree to abolish commercials in favor of tasteful product placement. That would be the compromise, to insist that it be low-key.

Now, I feel like this is the sort of thing Wired pointed out years and years ago, but since I can't find the article: people will willingly stop, rewind, and watch commercials that look interesting. I have been yelled at for not doing this during America's Next Top Model: it's how I found Beauty and the Geek. It's also why I've seen so many Xbox 360, movie, and PS3 commercials — in fact, I've even gone on YouTube and sought out exceptionally good commercials, like the "banned in the U.S." Xbox 360 commercial "Standoff" — and I don't think I'm the only one who does this.

Recorders like TiVo can track what commercials I'm watching and which I skip, and I only watch commercials that interest me... shouldn't that put tremendous pressure on advertisers to make better, more interesting ads? I've argued before that we're in a new Golden Age of Television, both in terms of programming options and coach potato technology, but as commercial-skipping recorders becomes more dominant, I see the potential for a corresponding Golden Age of Advertising.

In fact, I can imagine a world where I don't have to fast-forward. At the commercial break, TiVo just pauses the program and pops up a window with silent, small, labeled, looping video previews of each commercial. I can press a single button to go right back to the program (the television will also go back to the show automatically after a period of time I can specify, default 10 seconds), or I can watch the commercials of my choosing. Sellers get kickass marketing data and I don't see a second of television that doesn't interest me.

It doesn't matter that all the girls hated Melrose. And she was good at modeling, but she--and I sound like Twiggy here, I know--photographs old. Even though her pictures were consistently good-to-great, none of them compare to CariDee's freaky Halloween picture.

I am, however, surprised that they crowned CariDee after her dreadful performance in the "corpse bride" fashion show.

I need a life.

A life! From our super-secret work conversation, it's clear that you already work somewhere where ideas matter. Why, I can't conceive of such a place.

Incidentally, the trick to having a life, and I'm probably the last person who deserves to begin a sentence with that phrase, seems to be adding people and booze to the stuff you're already doing. At least that's my theory as I leave to go play videogames and drink at someone else's house. Whoo! Saturday night!

Is there a drinking game for copy editors?

There are people and pizza involved on ANTM nights. Why no booze, I have no idea. Will be spending the time between ANTM Cycles 7 and 8 devising an appropriate drinking game.

Off topic: you seem to have upped your amount of content. I like reading something new here everyday, even if it's only about something you've edited.

There's no pressure to keep it up, but it seemed like a new (positive) trend.

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