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Sunday, January 11   3:08 AM

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We had our first decent-sized room party Friday night, even if Jubb (who doesn't seem to consider anything a party proper unless at least 100 people show up and some sort of crazy adventure is had) might not agree.

Comatose Caitlin slept (passed out?) on the bed we/I lovingly call The Sacrificial Altar, for what I'm told I should refer to as the "first time" this term. I woke up in Jubb's bed, and he slept in mine. Used to sleeping on the bottom bunk, Jubb rolled out of bed this morning and plummeted to the ground with a mighty thump.

Jonas slept on a mattress in the living room, as per usual.

But before all the exciting sleeping and passing out, there was a party, a good one as far as I'm concerned. Ben (a freshman who makes daily appearances in our room) and I requisitioned a card table from the lobby and, once The Politician arrived with lots of legally purchased booze, we played a rousing game of King's Cup.

Drawing the last king, Rock Show Girl got stuck with the King's Cup and drank beer mixed with kool-aid and vodka. We both proved ourselves wiser than we were at the Drinkeroo by not throwing up. Only Jonas, already embattled by a surprisingly tough flu-like virus, seemed worse for the wear the next day.

Jubb no doubt paid the price today for eating much of my venison sausage and the plastic wrapped around said sausage, but that's only tangentially related to his other consumption.

The drinking, ultimately, isn't important. It was a good party because the crowd was good and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Most of yesteryear's ultracool Drinkeroo crowd was there, either from the beginning (The Politician and his girl) or later in the night (Jinx and that shirt-stealing Kora girl; Carrie and her party-hopping crowd). It helps that a few people I knew only vaguely last year suddenly seem much more interesting.

And the freshmen… well, I'm impressed by this year's new arrivals. Those who've passed through the social filter of my roommates (if I may torture the language for a second) are stand-up gents and ladies, despite their varying levels of craziness (there are several vegetarians, fanboys, ultimate players, and generic Hamline-quality liberals—all more or less crazy things to be—among them) and questionable ability to consume alcohol (at one point Jonas' girlfriend had me hiding a waterbottle
filled with some mysterious liquid from the aforementioned Comatose Caitlin).

Today, alternately, was low key. Jubb and I disc-golfed in the cold with our RHD from last year (I got a 38, my worst since Fall 2003) and I played Vice City. I assume I played Vice City; I don't see how I could have gone a day without playing it, honestly.

Tonight we went to Big Fish, a decent beautiful movie I'll probably recommend to my mom. The story-within-the-story was good, ultimately even great. The overarching narrative was hit and miss. Also, even I know that you don't jig fish with spinnerbaits.

Afterwards and some schmoozing, we watched Dead Alive, Peter Jackson's second movie and one of Jubb's favorite movies. Then, more schmoozing.

That's enough of a ramble, I think.

Alles Wird Gut


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