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Because everyone loves a farce

Friday, January 9   1:25 AM

Nonsense on a Thursday Night

I had something to say, but I've forgotten it. All I want to say at the moment is that the previous sentence could have functioned just as well without the "I." It's pretty obvious already who's speaking, after all. I also feel compelled to add something about the verb "say" and whether or not it can be used when I'm simply writing about something instead of actually talking to someone. I'm not sure I could talk about writing something without using speaking verbs, at this point.

All this, of course, is pretentious nonsense. Not even clever pretentious nonsense, really.

But I really did have something to say.

Anyways, we just ended another night of communal X-files viewing; the X-files parties Jonas told me about while I was in Germany are a reality. I haven't been to a good one yet, I'm forced to assume, but hanging out in a room with a bunch of people and watching the X-files takes me back to high school, when (high school being here a point in time and not a place… language is giving me some serious problems tonight) we all occasionally gathered at Graham's.

Although I'm both prone to and proud of my snap judgments, I'm still sizing everyone (new) up on some level or other. Trying to think of apt ways to describe people I barely know. Conceptualizing.

I'll be done soon enough, I think. I'm trying to allow for gray areas in my characterizations of people, partially because I suspect (have always suspected) that pigeonholing people (yes, I often do think of people as the impersonal generalizations I use here) is hurting my ability to participate in the real world, such as it is.

Anyways, after this weekend I'll smugly assume that I have everyone figured out, I assume.

The good word is that there'll be some sort of something here this weekend. I'll put on my socialization hat and drink from my socialization cup.

These are things you write when you should be sleeping, probably.

But: Friday.

We're trying to lure The Politician and his eventual bride (I can't think of how to spell a certain French word at the moment and feel disinclined to borrow anyways) to the room, you see, with promises of King's Cup.

Basically, I haven't played since I taught Arno and his friends and I'd like to play again at Lawrence, this time without throwing up: as always, it's about me in the end. That game is fun and requires little skill.

Otherwise not much is up. I'm shuffling papers, running errands, avoiding homework.

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