Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Saturday, May 6   12:37 AM

It's the same on the weekends as the rest of the days

Oh, tequila. I always think that things are good between us, but no, it seems that I really won't ever like the taste of tequila again. One drinkeroo too far...

Tonight I skipped the Strategist's play reading but went to the wrap party (a breach of theater etiquette, certainly), where I learned not only that I still can't drink tequila, a key ingredient in what this place called the "margarita," but also that rich chocolate cake does not go well with cheap Mexican liquor.

Tequila and I had a fight one night, and things can never be the same. This goes on the list of permanent reminders, alongside "Wikipedia is a sometimes website."

Wow, did I get sucked into Wikipedia this week. It's just so satisfying, I mean, it's basically editing and googling, two things I do very well. Plus, working on the Minnesota WikiProject has done wonders for my northwoods skillz. And employers: think of how much more dedicated I'd be if I was being paid for this kind of thing. Just saying.

The problem is that, unlike the other things I binge on — television shows and video games and, speaking of "sometimes foods" I did just bake that batch of cookies yesterday — with Wikipedia you can never, ever be done.

In short: lax week.

I'm not stressed about anything right now; even though I can still fill half an hour babbling about my issues with it, the thesis is going well and I have no worries. I'm running it through the Little Red Schoolhouse machine this weekend to see what comes out the other end.

And really I haven't spent much time this week sitting in my apartment thinking "blog blog blog," as I am so wont to do. I've no idea how I filled all that time (well, a full season of E.R. played a role), but it got filled somehow.

Hard to believe I've got so little time left here. One thing I'm looking forward to, besides the predictably warm weather in the big blue room, is doing the year-round stuff I usually only let myself do in the summer. Like reading sci-fi story collections. Nine out of ten nerds agree: nothing says summer like classic sci-fi.

Who exactly is this 1 out of 10 who doesn't agree?

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