Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Monday, April 3   7:00 PM

As the creative juices start fermenting

This Friday I was forced to confess that I actually have at least three blogs — in an effort to spark conversation or somesuch, a fellow mapher had finally asked the all-too-obvious question: "if you're writing about blogs, does that mean you have a blog?" — but while all that blogging sounds busy, I don't feel busy.

Though busy isn't quite the right word. I have my master's thesis, after all. And homework and tech work.

It's more that everyone else, by contrast, seems engaged. Jeremy of Appleton fame is opening a movie house. Adam is planning a wedding, studying, applying to jobs. Graham is working on his collages and his tilt-shift photos and just generally running back and forth tending his social web. I haven't talked to Jenna in a while, but presumably she's building a gyrocopter.

Meanwhile, I spend most of my day on the Internet, where I am an obsessive spectator but only a sporadic producer of content. What projects I have, like the thesis and the DDAP and silly things like conquering (as opposed to "beating") Burnout 3, I work on only occasionally, albeit for hours and hours when I do.

It's not enough to just keep juggling free time and work. Of course, if I were to actually get a copy editing job... that could engage me. Must apply to more places.

(Memo to fellow English majors: stop using my vocation as a fallback, or die.)

While my life isn't boring, it is only sufficient — I don't feel enough passion, in the broadest sense of the term. A shuffling of priorities is overdue.

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