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Because everyone loves a farce

Thursday, February 16   11:59 PM


You know what show doesn't suck? The Dead Zone. Fun fact: it has two opening sequences, a lame one for people who've never seen the show and a second, much hipper sequence for people who have.

It's enough to overcome my general dislike of title sequences, which tend to be overly long and which (early in the series) give away too much about upcoming episodes. Other shows with good title sequences: Arrested Development and Penn & Teller. Bonus points to Lost for realizing that I want as much new content as possible and doing away with the sequence altogether.

(Worst title sequence: Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The episodes are only 10 minutes long and yet the opening takes forever...)

The past few days have been filled with career-related adventure. Or perhaps "adventure!" If you don't see a difference you have much to learn.

There was a community college networking event Wednesday night; I missed my bus and had to bike to school in my carefully researched "business casual" outfit. It was sort of a pointless effort, since I'm not really keen on staying in Chicago, but talking to the various administrators was good practice. Also, there was ample wine and cheese.

And desserts, good desserts. Jeers to the mapher who brought up my penchant for baking in front of a recruiter.

Finally, there was Yorrick. Toward the end of the night I ended up in a protracted discussion about diaries with a professor who specializes in the field, and while I didn't agree with much of what he said (I was applying it all to diary weblogs) it was just the sort of background that's missing from my master's thesis. Exchanged emails, needless to say.

(It was very odd actually recommending that someone read Dooce. How so many diary theorists can ignore the diary weblog, I'll never know.)

And this morning I had a very important job interview downtown. More on that situation as it develops. (But cross your fingers. I mean reeeeally cross them. I should find out if I'm even being considered early next week.)

Assembling a suitable interview outfit proved surprisingly difficult. I found out about the interview on too short of notice to get my suits shipped from home, so I spent two frantic days trying to find someone who was both 1. my size and 2. not using his suit for the networking event Wednesday night.

As luck would have it, I managed to find the consistently well-dressed guy from Zack's high school, who had a suit to spare. A dark navy blue suit.

Honestly, I can't tell the difference between very dark blue and black. I must have gone to four or five people for reassurance that I was dressed for a job interview and not the prom.

(My navy blue suitcoat has anchor buttons on it to avoid exactly this confusion.)

It is fun to be wearing a suit again. I don't know if it's my fond memories of debate or simply the fact that everyone looks better in formal attire, but I'd much rather wear a suitcoat than a simple shirt-and-tie combo.

Unfortunately, until I'm actually hired somewhere it doesn't look like I'll be getting much use out of my suits, and more's the pity. I need to be in more low-pressure, high-style situations.

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