Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Wednesday, May 19   1:15 PM

Same as the old webpage

Hey. Still in the process of moving out of brainerd.net, but almost everything should work at this point.

I'm told I should add something new to my site for this occasion, and so I give you this: post-specific permalinks.

In case you haven't noticed, each post is accompanied by a time, right next to the date on top. Clicking on the time will bring you to the post's very own page, which you can link to of course. It's very handy if you want to show someone something specific.

Here, for instance, I've linked to the 207 informal.

Another good thing is space. I've got at least five times the space now, so I can finally put up a decent amount of pictures at some point in the future.

Lastly, I've removed my last name from every post. You know who I am, or, if you know what I look like, you could figure out who I am from some of the pictures of Our Bold Hero. I'm not averse to people knowing my identity, but at the same time, I don't feel the need to advertise it on the Internet.

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