Dan's Webpage
Because everyone loves a farce

Wednesday, May 29   9:43 AM

Goblins. Ah, I am a geek.

So I dreamt that I was running from some sinister character, out in the woods. But night was creeping up on us, so me and my guide -some kind of Stryder-like being- made a make-shift tent out of a white blanket and the side of my uncle's northwoods cabin. My pursuer stalked slowly by, and I could see his black shoes from under the tent.

Then the tent wasn't against the side of the cabin, it was against the closet door in my old room, the one that my brother Matt and I used to share. Stryder had been replaced by a jabbering, bulbous creature that would have been monstrous had it not been so frightened. I was still in the tent, on the floor of my old room; the bulbous creature had found Matt's bed.

I still had to stay here, of course, to hide from that sinister fellow. So I prepared to go to sleep. Then there were many tiny little snarling voices, speaking goblin-gibberish, from the other side of the closet door.

And all at once, they tried to get out, little arms and feet sticking out from the sides of the door as hundreds of them pushed against it. Their limbs weren't green, they were an ugly dark brown, almost a Walleye color.

I put my weight against the door, to keep the hungry critters out, and after a few seconds of resistance, they stopped pushing against the door. The snarls became a low, angry murmer. Then they tried again. And I stopped them. And again, and I again held them back.

I was angry now, that these goblins would simultaneously imperil my life and threaten my sleep. I opened the door and charged in.

There was nothing. A shelf with hidden cookies (in the past, someone had bribed the goblins to stay inside) and the vacuum my mom kept in that closet. The goblins weren't there.

This part of the dream seemed very, very real. I could sense the goblins, hundreds of them, invisible, and snarled at them and rushed towards the corner. Their presences went inside me, and soon I had all of the goblins inside of me, snarling, free-floating consciousnesses. I rushed about madly, ranting and destroying, fighting for control of my mind.

Then I woke up.

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